Sunday, September 20, 2020

Beginner Film Photography :: The First Batch

      Let's hope the first roll is always the worst.  It can only get better from here on out, right?  In my defense, about half the roll were photos from about 10 years ago.  It was nostalgic to see these photos!  Such a different time.  The film had expired since then, and I accidentally opened the back door of the camera when I first took it back out to shoot on, which resulted in some weird color - or maybe the color is the result of it being expired film? I have no idea! I didn't adjust the color on any of these, just so you can see them for what they are.  I did lighten and crop a couple of them because the tilted horizon line was driving me crazy.  Also, I apologize in advance for what your eyes are about to be exposed to. 😄

     For this round I used The Darkroom Lab to develop and scan.  I might try some other labs just to see what different services are like.  Here's what arrived in the mail a couple days after I received my scans via a download link. 

     Alright, here are the photos!  Keep in mind, I'm showing you the GOOD ones LOL.  Let's not even talk about the others. 😏

San Simeon Pier (I think?) from 2009

From Monterey Bay Aquarium (2009)

     This is probably the best photo from the whole roll, and I'm sure that mostly has to do with the view and not so much the quality of the photo LOL.

     This is from a photography meet up at Joshua Tree - most likely 2009 as well.  

     You can tell this is more recent because of Covid - see the hand sanitizer? 😆

     A few shots from Old Town Tustin.  You really see the weird color here.

     When I edited this one in Photoshop and made it black and white, it actually looked okay - but here it is in its original crappy form. 😆 Dog is still cute though, right? 

     I just got this in yesterday, and I'm excited to start a fresh roll and do better this time around.  We'll see hahaha!

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